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CESR Symposium 2021

Technology, Policy, and Individual Actions: Three approaches to address climate change

Friday, October 29, 2021

Advances in technology alone will not be sufficient to successfully overcome the challenges posed by climate change. A major objective of this symposium is to help engineering researchers place their energy- and climate-related research in the context of other drivers of change such as policy and business considerations, as well as provide updates on the latest in technology development for addressing climate change.


Recordings of each panel are linked below.


This event is co-sponsored by the Center for Engineering Sustainability and Resilience (CESR) and the Institute for Sustainability and Engineering at Northwestern (ISEN), and is partially supported by the National Science Foundation.

ISEN logo     CESR logo    

Symposium Schedule

9:05 a.m.
9:20 a.m.
Keynote Speaker
  • Karen Weigert, Executive Vice President, Slipstream; Sustainability Contributor for Reset, WBEZ Chicago

  • (left): Keynote Speaker: Karen Weigert
  • (right): Introduction: Jennifer Dunn, Associate Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering; Associate Director, Northwestern Argonne Institute of Science and Engineering; Associate Director, Center for Engineering Sustainability and Resilience
9:35 a.m.
9:40 a.m.
Technology Panel

New technologies that cut greenhouse gas emissions are a key pillar in strategies to mitigate global warming. This panel will highlight promising new technologies and research needs to push technology development towards broader-scale adoption.

  • Jeff Richards, Assistant Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Northwestern University
  • Amgad Elgowainy, Senior Scientist, Argonne National Laboratory
  • Angelina Galiteva, Founder and Board President at Renewables 100 Policy Institute, Chair of the California Independent System Operator
  • Hossein Ghezel-Ayagh, Vice President of Advanced Technology Programs, FuelCell Energy Inc
  • Hannah Friedman, Investment Associate, Closed Loop Partners

  • (stage table, left to right): Hannah Friedman; Hossein Ghezel-Ayagh; Jeff Richards
  • (remote windows): Amgad Elgowainy; Angelina Galiteva
11:40 a.m.
10:45 a.m.
Just Energy and Climate Transitions

The disadvantaged communities that have disproportionately experienced climate change's effects must be central to development of climate change mitigation strategies. This panel will describe what makes such efforts successful and offer approaches to working with communities and incorporating their needs in climate change solutions.

  • Kim Suiseeya, Assistant Professor; Environmental Policy and Culture Program; Faculty Affiliate at the Center for Native American and Indigenous Research, Northwestern University
  • Melissa Rosenzweig, Assistant Professor of Instruction in Anthropology and Environmental Policy and Culture, Northwestern University
  • Dany Robles, City Energy Policy Coordinator, Illinois Environmental Council
  • Erin Newman, Environmental Scientist, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 5
  • Tyler Barron, Policy Advocate, Environmental Law and Policy Center

  • (stage table, left to right): Albert Wang, undergraduate student, Environmental Sciences, Northwestern University; Dany Robles; Melissa Rosenzweig; Kim Suiseeya
  • (remote windows): Erin Newman; Tyler Barron
11:45 a.m.
1 p.m.
Welcome to the Party: Why have companies come to care about climate change?

Corporations' and investors' decision-making around sustainability, supply chain, greenhouse gas emissions, and energy use have taken center stage. This panel will offer corporate decision-making perspectives and insights regarding the changing landscape, questions of materiality, and the ways in which the array of stakeholders and forces (shareholders, consumers, supply chain partners, public perception, regulation, long-termism) shape c-suite conversations and considerations.

  • Megan Kashner, Clinical Assistant Professor within Kellogg's Public-Private Interface Initiative (KPPI); Director of Social Impact, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University
  • Meghan Busse, Associate Professor of Strategy, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University
  • Victoria Zimmerman,Director of ESG & Sustainability Strategy Alignment, McDonald's
  • Dan Nielsen, Impact and Sustainable Finance Expert
  • James Margolis, Senior Partner, ERM, Environmental, Safety and Sustainability Management Consulting

  • (left to right): James Margolis; Victoria Zimmerman; Dan Nielsen; Meghan Busse; Megan Kashner
2 p.m.
2:05 p.m.
Synthesis Panel

This panel will provide expert perspectives on the day's discussions and will identify actionable outcomes and next steps. Audience participation will be central to this and all of the panels.

  • Jennifer Dunn, Associate Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering; Associate Director, Northwestern Argonne Institute of Science and Engineering; Associate Director, Center for Engineering Sustainability and Resilience
  • William Miller, Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering; Director, Center for Engineering Sustainability and Resilience
  • Cristina Negri, Division Director, Environmental Science (EVS), Argonne National Laboratory
  • Klaus Weber, Thomas G. Ayers Chair in Energy Resource Management; Professor of Management & Organizations, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University

  • (stage table, left to right): Klaus Weber; Karen Weigert; William Miller; Jennifer Dunn
  • Remote window: Cristina Negri
3:05 p.m.


Please contact us with any questions about this event.

William Miller

Director of the Center for Engineering Sustainability and Resilience
Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering
Director, Master of Science in Biotechnology Program

Phone: 847-491-4828

Eunae Jo

Director of Operations
Center for Centers and Global Initiatives
McCormick School of Engineering

Phone: 847-467-1024

Jennifer Dunn

Associate Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering and
(by courtesy) Mechanical Engineering
Associate Director, Center for Engineering Sustainability and Resilience

Phone: 847-467-6285

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